YBhg Dato‘ Dr Chong Chee Kheong
Deputy Director-General of Health (Public Health),
Ministry of Health Malaysia
Dr Chong is the Deputy Director-General Of Health (Public Health) of Malaysia. He was formerly the Director of NPHL 2009, Head of VBDC 2010 and Director of Disease Control 2011. He obtained his medical degree (MBBS) from University Malaya in 1986, Masters of Public Health (University Malaya) in 1990, gazetted as a public health specialist 2003 and certification as field epidemiologist 2006. Currently, he is lead implementer for ASEAN EOC project at the regional level and at the national level sits on several board including LMO, Biosafety, Mental health, OSH and Road Safety. His latest publication is Southeast Asia Strategic Multilateral Dialogue on Biosecurity published in EID CDC journal. His personal interest is in environmental conservation.